Monday, May 20, 2013

Mistakes Parents Frequently Do

There are certain things that usually parents did not realized that is not a good thing. Parents can make mistakes in behave when educating children, but still do. The habit is hard to stop. So, what are the actions that parents sometimes actually hinder quality education for children? This is the acts according to Dr. Phil, psychologist who often become speaker in Oprah's talkshow:

Excessive Emotion

Often parents tell children to not cry, do not quickly berserk when his desire is not fulfilled, or scold the child when the child screamed. However, high pitch tone that we spend time being scolded child, making the child do the same. Please note, children are more responsive if told gently but firmly.

Not Obeying Rules

We as parents set some rules, but break them our own. When the kids see this, they will certainly follow the same behavior. Each of what we do to is being an example for our children. For example, we scold the child when the child's litter, but our own doing the same. Of course the children will not be obey parents because they saw that their parents breaking their own rules.

Treating Children like Adults

Giving children freedom of speech and allows the child to decide themselves with the risk who should bear themselves, relationship between parents and children is not a democracy relationship. Therefore, we do not make the mistake to equalize treatment and the rules like we doing to child, especially young children who do not understand anything.

Giving Them Rewards

It is not the best way to give them reward, according to dr. Phil. According to him, the most important is determining the achievement of what is indeed the most appropriate things given to children that motivated them. If we giving them reward continually, he will grow up into prosecution kids.

Awards and Penalties

Beware of praise that comes from the mouth. Praise is indeed worthy and fit to build children's confidence but never too often praised, praise will feel stale  In addition, if children do wrong, do not be punished with a scary. If the penalties were seen less fair, we will lose the chance to give "lessons" right on the child.

Discipline Slack

Don't let discipline be loosened. For example, we do not allow children to eat sweets at all, but another time when child asking we allowed. The other is the case if the candy eating is restricted. Very important to show the consistency of a rule in front of the child. This will make the children understand that every action has a consequence.


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